An Instagram Competition

We helped Doritos and XBOX ONE launch the new release of Call of Duty by running an Instagram competition that asked fans of both brands to take an Instagram picture of themselves playing Xbox and eating Doritos – in an imaginative way. They were also asked to get support from their social networks to help them win. The most liked and creative pictures were selected as finalists and winners selected from these.


The promotion generated several hundred creative Instagram pictures with people taking a lot of effort to show themselves having fun with the two brands. The resulting activity across the Doritos social networks demonstrated the effectiveness of including the fans in a fun promotion that let them tell the brand story.

  • Over 500% increase in fan engagement.
  • Over 260% increase in audience reach.
  • Close to 50,000 post clicks during the promotion period.
  • 59% increase in Facebook page likes from previous weeks.

Instagram Competition

We used our Instagram Competitions platform to enable us to identify picture entries, review, approve and publish the best images through to the Doritos Facebook page.

Facebook Promotion

Our Instagram Competition platform enabled us to seamlessly publish approved images into the Doritos Facebook page, increasing fan engagement and provide authentic User generated content.

Community Management

Our Instagram promotions tool allowed us to easily manage the picture entries and to communicate directly with people through their selected entries via Instagram comments.