An Integrated Social/Experiential Campaign

Our team helped define the campaign for Pepsi’s launch of their NEXT brand in Australia, which centred around taste challenges at locations around Australia. At event location there were pop-up music events, where people could try the new drink. We used Facebook and Instagram to promote the events and capture experiences that were used to provide content to Pepsi’s social streams.


The brand gained massive exposure in Australia and extended their Fans and reach through a mix of great consumer experiences at the event that were captured and amplified by using images from locations of people enjoying the drink and the events at each location. Engagement increased during the campaign period with consumer sentiment becoming increasingly appreciative of the brands promotional activities.

Digital Strategy & Planning

Our team helped define the approach required to help support the experiential campaign activities, to ensure reach and engagement of the brand story.

Facebook Community

We created content throughout the campaign to promote the pop-up events and helped keep the community engaged and informed.

Instagram Campaigns

Our Instagram content aggregation and publishing tool was used to pull in photos from promo staff at events, which was used to provide content for the Facebook page and image posts.

Integrated Pop-up Events

Our team worked with our experiential events partners to promote pop-up events around Australia and provided technical support for the teams in the field.