A Facebook Promotion

Smith’s Chips needed to support an integrated media campaign to launch their new brand of light chips. We developed a strategy to resonate the marketing message of a healthier snacking option by developing the ‘chippy slap’ app. Fans were prompted to take a pledge to not slap their friend’s hand if they went in for another chip. The campaign also rewarded Fans with greater prizes as more pledges were taken.


The ‘chippy slap’ app saw thousands of pledges taken and significant amplification by Fans sharing pledges with their friends. The app also enabled Fans to win branded merchandise and gathered new Fans and entries when the additional promotion module was released after the counter hit the target number of pledges.

Digital Strategy & Planning

Our team defined a strategy to use the Facebook platform to developed a concept that would help to reinforce the broader campaign message. 

Facebook Campaign

We developed the promotion using our social campaigns tool, enabling us to rapidly deploy the concept to market and meet the media schedules of the broader campaign.

Integrated Media Campaign

The team worked amongst a broader mix of agencies to develop a concept that was unique to the Facebook platform whilst being aligned with the broader campaign messaging.

Branding & Design

The team developed a unique identity for the ‘chippy slap’ app that enabled it to carry a unique personality across social channels – whilst ensuring the look and feel was aligned with the broader marketing message.